Books by Yann Fouere

Biographie book cover0001 Biographie back cover0001 January 2015: Official Biography of Yann Fouéré in Breton, English and French


April 2011: ‘La Maison’ in Connemara – English translation published by Oldchapel Press, Oldchapel, Oughterard, Co.Galway, Republic of Ireland –

Born in 1910, the author of this book was Founder President of ‘Ar Brezhoneg er Skol’, the Union for the teaching of Breton in schools, and Vice President of the ‘Union Régionaliste Bretonne’ in the 1930’s.

Then secretary-general of the Comité Consultatif de Bretagne, and Editor-Political director of two Breton daily newspapers, ‘La Bretagne’, and later ‘L’Avenir de La Bretagne’. He was forced into exile following political events that marked the end of the Second World War, and found refuge first in Wales and then in Ireland. He describes the numerous adventures that led him from the country of the Red Dragon to that of the Golden Harp, and his role as co-founder of the ‘Celtic League’ in 1961.

Finally settling in Connemara, at the extreme west of Ireland, battered by the fierce Atlantic storms, he describes the magnificent scenery, and the unique and rather unusual characters attracted by this remote corner of the world. Developing a lobster and crayfish business, exporting to the continent, while building a house for his family were major challenges that tested the wills of the weather and the local environment. In both Wales and Ireland, he integrated into the local communities, in his descriptions of which, readers will make unexpected discoveries. In the late fifties, undaunted, he resumed his Breton, European and International activities – co-founding the MOB, ‘Movement for the Organisation of Brittany’, and the European Federalist Party in France, as well as representing Brittany for the setting up of the ‘Bureau of Unrepresented Nations’ in Brussels and the ‘Federal Union of European Nationalities’.

‘La Maison’ in Connemara is the second volume of Yann Fouéré’s memoirs. It is a true novel, just like the first volume La Patrie Interdite, and reads like one. But it is also a fundamental document on a part of history that is still misunderstood.

See Update for more information on Yann Fouéré’s  publication:-

” Yann Fouéré…des mots pour l’Avenir de La Bretagne “


221.jpg 22a.jpg Photo on front cover: 9th Dec. 1983 Yann Fouéré at the European Parliament in Brussels, during a meeting of the European Free Alliance (ALE).


Click on the images to enlarge them.

* A limited number of the following are available from L’Institut de Documentation Bretonne et Européenne de La Fondation Yann FouéréSee at the end of ‘Livres’ on the French site for a more complete list, with prices, of the publications that are available.

1933 – Les Saints Bretons et leur oeuvre nationale – booklet published by l’Enseigne de l’Hermine, Dinard, (out of print).

1935 – Nous devons obtenir l’Enseignement du Breton – 30 pages, Conference given by Yann Fouéré at the Congrés de l’Union Régionaliste Bretonne in Lannion.

1938 – Enseigner le Breton, Exigence Bretonne * – brochure published by Ar Brezoneg er Skol, Rennes.

1939 – Les marchés d’approvisionement de la viande a Paris – theses, Imprimerie Francaise de Centralisation, Paris.

1946 – Booklet on ‘Breton Nationalism’, 85 pages – written by Yann Fouéré and translated by Hervé Le Helloco, for the Welsh Nationalist Party  – Front cover designed by Dewi Prys – Preface by Gwynfor Evans. On the site under, Various Texts by Y.F.

1957 – De la Bretagne a la France et a l’Europe * – brochure published by C.O.B., Comité pour l’Organisation de la Bretagne, Lorient.

2.jpg1962 and 1976 – La Bretagne écartelée * – published by Nouvelles Éd. Latines.

4.jpg 4a.jpg1968 and 1976 – L’Europe aux Cents Drapeaux – published by Presses d’Europe, Nice, and again in 2004 by Celtics Chadenn, Pordic.

December 2011: New edition published by IDBE/ Fondation Yann Fouéré.

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1980 – English translation of the above under the title – Towards a Federal Europe* – published by Christopher Davies, Swansea.

Yann Fouéré believes that the “Third Europe” will only come into being, when the present sovereign nation-states have faded away and disappeared. These states should be split up into smaller regional units, bringing together ethnic groups such as the Scots, Bretons, Flemish or Basque. There can be no continental super-state in place of the present nation-states since that too would be prone to the abuse of power.Yann Fouèrè is calling for small free societies with equal rights, but indissolubly united through the federal link. He develops with formidable logic the argument for a Federal Europe.

5.jpg1977 – En prison pour le FLB * – published by Nouvelles Éd. Latines.

en prison Back of En Prison...0001 October 2012: New edition of, ‘En prison pour le FLB’, the 3rd Volume of Yann Fouéré’s autobiography, published by IDBE/Fondation Yann Fouéré.


6.jpg 6a.jpg1977 – Histoire resumée du Mouvement Breton – published by Nature et Bretagne, and an updated edition in 2004 – by Celtics Chadenn, Pornic.

1979 – Ces droits que les autres ont, mais que nous n’avons pas…* – published for Les Cahiers de l’Avenir by Nature et Bretagne, Quimper.

1.jpg 1a.jpg1979 – L’Histoire du Quotidien “ La Bretagne”et les silences d’Henri Fréville * – published by Les Cahiers de l’Avenir, Saint Brieuc.

1982 – Les Régions d’Europe en quête d’un statut * – article in booklet published by Les Cahiers de l’Avenir of extracts from “ l’Autonomie” , Presses d’Europe, 1982.

1983 – Problémes Bretons du temps present * – booklet published for Les Cahiers de l’Avenir by Les Editions d’Organisation, Paris.

8.jpg 8a.jpg1987 – La Patrie Interdite, Histoire d’un Breton – published by France Empire, Paris, and in 2002 by Brittia, Plérin.

20.jpg 21.jpg1995 – La Maison du Connemara – published by Coop-Breizh. (out of print).


November 2011: New editions of the 1st and 2nd Volumes of Yann Fouéré’s autobiography, published by IDBE/Fondation Yann Fouéré.



3.jpg 3a.jpg2000 – Europe! Nationalité Bretonne…Citoyen Francais? – published by Brittia, Plérin

*A limited number of copies available from L’Institut de Documentation Bretonne et Européenne de La Fondation Yann Fouéré.


See our French site for more details on the above and on those that are available for purchase from the Institut de Documentation Bretonne et Européenne of the Fondation, including back numbers of the newspaper ‘L’Avenir de la Bretagne’ and of various periodicals such as ‘Al-Liam’, ‘CARN’ and ‘Imbourgh’.